how does diabetes affect you sexually


Why does diabetes cause sex weakness? 

, how does diabetes affect you sexually, side effects of diabetes in men, is sex good for diabetes, does diabetes affect you sexually, does diabetes cause erectile dysfunction, does diabetes affect sex

Sexual pleasure and healthy sex life are crucial for a happy relationship. Despite this, these subjects are still underappreciated because no one brings them up in conversation. Unhealthy relationship status may emerge from the declining rates of becoming unromantic and neglecting another person. Men today are more prone than women to experience sex-related health disorders, and the same is true with diabetes. ED is the most frequently mentioned sexual health problem affecting men with diabetes. According to research, a majority of diabetic men more than 50% are also found to have impaired sex metabolism. 

Having diabetes includes a bad effect on your sexual life in addition to hurting your daily activities and food. A person with diabetes is discovered to have low insulin levels, which causes a poor metabolism and, on the other hand, results in issues like cardiovascular failure, nerve failure, and sex weakness.

how does diabetes affect you sexually
how does diabetes affect you sexually

What is the major connection between sex life and diabetes? 

It’s critical to realize that prolonged high blood sugar levels might cause sexual dysfunction, which is characterized by poor sexual performance. Diabetes causes high blood sugar levels and sugar levels. Due to long-term, uncontrolled diabetes, your potential for blood circulation declines, making it difficult for enough blood to reach your sexual organs. Consequently, it leads to the issue of sex weakness in diabetes. Men might experience erectile dysfunction, also referred to as erectile difficulties. However, it is a myth that all people with diabetes have low sex potential. With proper management, you can control your diabetes much more effectively.

:- Well, it’s obvious that in today’s fast-paced world, stress and low metabolism levels are just a fact of life. As a result, many people hold the misconception that “sex weakness” may be the root of all these issues. How therefore can you tell if the sex weakness is caused by diabetes? There are, however, signs and side effects that can aid in differentiating. 

how does diabetes affect you sexually:-

Let’s flash a light on the symptoms and side effects: 

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased appetite
  • Low metabolism 
  • Feeling irritated while doing sex. 

Side effects: 

reduced or absent libido or sex-related desireLack of arousal. 
The decline in Feelings and pleasures of sex. 
Extreme pain and feeling irritation while intercourse. 
reduced orgasmic and sensual genetic experience. 

What are the problems in sex life in men with diabetes?

Sex life with diabetes can cause different problems in women and men. In which the desire not to have sex is the most common. Let us know what problems can men face with diabetes and sex life?

diminished libido or sexual desire

Sexual desire is decreased by diabetes. According to a study, men with diabetes have decreased levels of the sex hormone testosterone, which affects their desire for sex. Additionally, there is an issue with penis erection if you wish to engage in sexual activity. 

Men’s erectile dysfunction issue

Men with diabetes experience erectile dysfunction, or a loss of erection in the penis, during sexual activity. Research indicates that between 20 and 75 percent of diabetic men experience this issue. Conversely, men with diabetes are two to three times more likely than non-diabetic men to experience erectile dysfunction. Sex life is directly impacted.

What issues do diabetic women have with their sexual lives?

While everyone is aware that sex hormones differ between men and women, they nonetheless have an impact on both genders’ sexual lives. reduced sex desire

Women who have diabetes struggle with sex because the blood flow in their clitoris and vagina cannot function normally. Also present are dryness in the vagina and a lack of sex-related desire. The primary cause of this is the woman’s body’s hormonal alterations brought on by her diabetes.

The inability of women to experience orgasm

Women with diabetes are unable to have an orgasm, the peak of their sex lives. But unlike men, women either experience orgasm later or are unable to experience it at all. As a result of decreased blood flow to the clitoris and vagina during sex, women with diabetes do not experience satisfying intercourse during sex. Because of this, women are unable to experience orgasm.

Poor Sexual Life in diabetes Causes

Low sex drive: In diabetics, the urge to have sex slowly fades away. A person should check his blood sugar level if he is having this issue. Diabetics are more likely to have issues including not feeling satiated after orgasm and having no sexual desire.

Erectile dysfunction and diabetes

Erectile dysfunction: The issue of erectile dysfunction affects more than half of the men who have diabetes. Patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are included in this. People actually experience this issue as a result of damaged nerves and poor blood flow to the penis and vaginal region. Diabetes negative consequences on sexual health


Nerve damage: You may experience issues like nerve damage as a result of high blood sugar levels. Sexual arousal, or arousal, consequently, declines. People get sex issues as a result. (Diabetes and Sexual Behavior 


Low sperm quality: According to certain research, diabetic patients’ excessive blood sugar levels can allegedly contribute to issues with sperm quality and erectile dysfunction. Sperm motility and the quality of the semen can be affected by excessive glucose levels. Sexual health and diabetes 

Virility Dryness

Vaginal dryness: Women with diabetes are more likely to experience vaginal dryness. In addition, these women have a very high risk of infection. Women with diabetes issues are more likely to have a urinary tract infection.

Is it possible to get positive results from Ayurveda? 

The term “Ayurveda” itself means “natural treatment,” thus the answer to that question is undoubted “yes,” especially given that it has been used as a natural remedy for all kinds of issues since ancient times. By adhering to some of the therapies and seeking the finest medical advice, a person receiving ayurvedic treatment for diabetes may achieve the best results. 

  • Panchakarma therapy
  • Natural medicines and herbs
  • Diet and exercises.

Note: Make it a point to tell the doctor about any pharmaceutical medications you are taking when you consult an Ayurvedic specialist and use Ayurvedic herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction because some of them may be contributing to the issue or may interfere with the Ayurvedic treatments, reducing their efficacy. 

Say goodbye to your sex weakness: 

Why not give a try if you want to improve your sex efficiency and have a positive effect on your relationship and sexual life. This kit will actually aid you in overcoming your diabetes-related sex insufficiency. So, live well by using Ayur-Sudha’s ayurvedic products. 

Sex Weakness in Diabetes Ayurvedic Kit Includes

  1. 60 Cap Re- Energy Plus
  2. 60 Cap Vital Herbs -M
  3. 300 gm Rasayan Shakti Granules  
  4. 15 Cap. Makardhwaj Rasayan Shakti 


It is one of the best and ayurvedic herbal medicine that helps to increase the sex power in diabetes moreover it includes many of the benefits and is manufactured from the best herbs and ayurvedic science. 

Ingredients: Gokshur, Jaiphal, Jiwatri, Keshar, Shatavri, Lavang and Talmakhana. These herbs are very powerful aphrodisiacs, improving low libido, weak erection and premature ejaculation.

Benefits:  These Rasayana and Vajikarana herbs are very effective in Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Low Libido, Low Power-stamina and male factor infertility as well. With more than 15 years of experience, Ayur-Sudha is currently a center for ayurvedic research on health products. We adhere firmly to the Ayurvedic philosophical concepts and have assisted hundreds of clients in their efforts to successfully manage their diabetes.

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