Kapha Prakriti
General characteristics of Kapha :
People with kapha prakriti tend to be slow in movement, grasp things slowly, but good retaining once absorbed never forget, loyal, stable, tend to gain weight easily, do not like damp weather, prone towards headaches, congestion, easy going, lethargic, sleep heavily, and are known for their calmness.
Skin condition :
Dull, sluggish, congested skin
Enlarged pores
Blackheads or large pustules or cystic formations
Thick, oily secretions
Most of us are a combination of 2 or more Vikruti. In this instance be aware of climatic and environmental factors. Pitta – Summer, Vata – Spring and Autumn, Kapha – winter. Use products for the appropriate season. If you need help in deciding contact info@ayursudha.com
Pitta Prakriti
General Characteristics of Pitta :
People with pitta prakriti have a strong sharp memory, are goal orientated, good organisers, strong, sharp appetite, dislike the heat, prone to sunburn, sensitive, tendency towards diarrhoea, active, impatient and irritable, generally aggravated by heat – hot food, alcohol, hot weather, hot rooms.
Skin condition :
Rashes, inflammation, itching
Oily T Zone
Premature wrinkling
Yellow pustular acne, blackheads, whiteheads, general excessive oiliness
Discolouration of natural pigmentation
Most of us are a combination of 2 or more Prakriti . In this instance be aware of climatic and environmental factors. Pitta – Summer, Vata – Spring and Autumn, Kapha – winter. Use products for the appropriate season. If you need help in deciding contact info@ayurvsudha.com
Vata Prakriti
General Characteristics :
People with Vata prakriti usually dislike the cold, are prone to constipation and flatulence, they get anxious and worry, sleep lightly, cannot keep still, have to keep moving or do something, talk quickly, enthusiastic, creative, like to travel, have a small body frame, dry hair and skin, tend to snack, and have learn things quickly but also forget – short term memory.
Skin condition :
Lack of tone or luster
Rough patches
Chapping and cracking
Dry rashes, corns and calluses
Dry eczema
Most of us are a combination of 2 or more Prakriti. In this instance be aware of climatic and environmental factors. Pitta – Summer, Vata – Spring and Autumn, Kapha – winter. Use products for the appropriate season. If you need help in deciding contact info@ayursudha.com FOR an appointment.