Ayurveda is the vead (knowledge) of Ayu(life). Vedas are collection of mantras. It puts light on our ancestral culture. Ayu means naturally diminishing. Ayurveda informs about the ways and measures to be adopted for sustaining and extending Ayu.
Every individual wants to live a healthy and long life. Certain disciplines have to be followed in all works of life to achieve the goal of healthy life. According to Ayurvedic theory health results from harmony. To live in harmony with the cosmic law is an Ayurvedic way of life.
Human Being is a complex structure of physical, biological, mental and spiritual factors. To establish the equilibrium between human nature and environment, Ayurveda has developed various principles and practices. The goal of Ayurveda is freedom disease. Ayurvedic philosophy believes that only a person with a strong immune system can be health. The ancient Vedic word for immunity means forgiveness of disease, as the negative thoughts and lifestyle results in various diseases.
All human beings have a unique body constitution (prakruti) and the health treatments depend on the type of prakurti. We should eat certain foods that are beneficial for our body type and should avoid some others. Prakurti has the quality of satwa, raja and thama. These factors interact with purusha (space and time) to form the five bhootas (panchabhootas). The first step in the process of evolution is the interaction of both purusha and prakruti. Everything in the universe including our body is comprised of these panchabhoothas. Other than panchabhoothas there are three fold energies known as vatta, pitta and kapha. These energies are known as doshas and these doshas are linked to the panchabhootas of the body.