

The waste products of the body are called malas. The body excretes wastes in the form of faeces, urine, sweat, various miscellaneous wastes like tears, spit, oily secretions, mucoid secretions and smegma .The key factor in maintaining good health is the proper elimination of body wastes. While performing normal metabolic processes the dhatus produce various waste products known as the malas in terms of Ayurveda. All these wastes help in maintaining the proper functioning of the related organs. According to the concept of Ayurveda there are three primary malas- purisa (faeces), mutra (urine) and sweda (sweat).

Significance of Mala
As a result of metabolic processes being carried out in the body, essence of ingested food and waste products are constantly formed. If waste products are not being formed besides the essence i.e. beneficial products that nourish tissues, then metabolic process would be impaired ultimately leading to the formation of malformed tissues. So, there needs to be an appropriate segregation of essence of ingested food and waste product and excretion of the waste matter on appropriate time for maintaining health. Malas are actually the waste products of the body and their proper excretion from the body is essential, so that the proper health of the individual can be maintained because if the waste products are not thrown out it can toxify.

Waste products : Purisa is the waste left over after the nutrients of digested food have been absorbed in the small intestine. The large intestine absorbs the water and salt, the left waste is converted into solid faeces and gets eliminated from the rectum. The consistency of the faces depends on the diet consumes and the mobility of gastrointestinal tract. Proper elimination of faeces is hindered by the excessive use of purgatives and colonics. The faeces help in maintaining the colon temperature and tone the body. Any kind of fear, tension and worry also causes disturbance in the process of elimination. Improper elimination of faeces can cause worry, nervousness, headaches, gastritis and constipation.
Mutra eliminates water and other solid wastes from the body. It is derived from the biological processes taking place in the human body. Large intestine is the main site of the first stage of urine formation where the fluids are absorbed into the system. The process of formation and elimination of urine involves the whole urinary system that comprises of kidneys, uterus, bladder and urethra. The formation and elimination of urine helps in regulating the fluid balance and blood pressure of the body. The poor elimination of urine results in various disorders like urinary infections, pain in bladder, kidney stones, cystitis, thirst, dry mouth, dehydration and fewer in some cases. The process of elimination of urine is affected by the excess intake of drugs and alcohol, trauma, excessive sex and less intake of fluids.

Sweat is the waste product produce during the synthesis of fat tissue. The sweat is eliminated from the pores of the skin. It expels excess water and toxins from the body, carries away the excess fat from the body and purifies the blood. It helps in regulating the electrolytic balance and maintaining the body temperature. Sweda vaha srotas are the channels responsible for bringing the sweat to skin surface for elimination.

Any disorder in the proper elimination of sweat results in various skin infections, loss of fluid balance, stiff and dry hair with wrinkles and reduced body temperature. The process of elimination of sweat is disturbed by low salt intake, high intake of dry foods, less exercise and excessive use of diaphoretic herbs.

For the normal elimination process the tridoshas must be in balance. The tridoshas forms the basis of metabolism processes in the body. Pitta and kapha helps in the process of digestion and vata controls the mobility in the entire process. Any imbalance in the three doshas can lead to various health problems.