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Eczema & Dermatitis

Eczema – atopic Dermatitis Treatment


The Eczema Kit Includes

  • Oral Ayurvedic Medication as herbal formulations which checks the growth of toxins and helps to eliminates the toxins from the body. It enhances the  immune system and strengthens the tissue of the body.
  • Dermazyme – Plus60 Capsules , 1 Capsule twice a day
  • Herbal – Defense 60 Capsules , 1 Capsule twice a day
  • Liv -O- Liv 60 Capsules , 1 Capsule twice a day
  • Detoxy – H – 30 Capsules , 1 daily
  • Derma Cure  Cream for external use. It  helps to remove the dead skin, helps to reduce itching and promotes the healing process and making the skin soft and smoother.
  • These medications in Kit are decide by our team of Ayurvedic Doctors after assessing the case history thoroughly.

The Kit is decided after the complete history of patient. There are many types of Eczema so The Oral herbs , Oils , Creams and Shampoos are decided by our Team of Doctors.

In some cases when medicines don’t gives the desire results, it implies that there is the blockage of channels called “Srotas “ so here we need Panchakarma purification therapies to open the channels and removal of toxins. Snehan , Swedana , Vaman , Virechana , Basti Karma are prescribed for patients according to the disease , age and distribution of the Eczema.

The commonest reason of eczema is dry , sensitive skin which leads to inflamed rash and intense itching.

The most common types of eczema are– 

  • Atopic Eczema ,Seborrhoeic Eczema, Discoid Eczema,
  • House Hold Eczema, Contact Dermatitis , Varicose Eczema ,
  • Exogenic Dermatitis , Neurodermatitis , Erythema Multiformin ,
  • Nummular Eczema , Peri Oral Dermatitis


In Ayurveda eczema is known as  “Pamma” and “Vicharchika”. This is caused by the faulty dietary habits and life style. Climatory factors , heat , dampness , severe cold , psychological stress may promote eczema. The local factors like dry skin , greasy skin , excessive sweating  etc. may predispose to eczema.
Due to the above factors the Pitta Dosha ( Which represents Fire in Ayurvedic Texts) gets aggravated and it also vitiates the other dosha and dhatues – Blood and Skin (Rakt , mamsa and twacha ). Theses all conditions produces ama “ the toxin” which menifests in skin  and it goes deep into the body tissues “dhatus” causing eczema.
The broad categorize of Eczema are :

Three Type of Eczema are ::
If one can broadly categorize eczema or vicharchika, into three types, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, then herbal and dietary treatment is fairly straight forward and it is my experience that it generally works well. It is not hard to see how most skin problems fall easily into these categories: 

Vata type: The skin tends to be rough, dry, hard, itchy and scaly. There may be associated constipation, wind and distension, anxiety and insomnia. The skin is aggravated by cold, wind, dryness and stress and relieved by the application of oils, especially sesame.

Pitta type: The skin is hot and inflamed; it is aggravated by heat and heating foods, exposure to the sun and application of most oils, reflecting a state of heat and toxicity in the body. There tends to be burning, redness, oozing, swelling and infection which can be associated with fever, irritability and feeling of heat. 

Kapha type: Kapha skin problems are often accompanied by mucous congestion, lethargy and sluggish metabolism. The skin tends to be cold, clammy, sticky, oozing, swollen and itchy, with a pale complexion. It is aggravated by cold, damp, application of oils and eating dairy products and sugar. 

Eczema is more common in Pitta types as Pitta can overheat the blood (Rakta dhatu) and predispose to toxic conditions which are expressed through the skin. Factors causing such skin problems include poor digestion (low agni), toxins in the bowel (ama), incorrect diet, over use of sour, salty, or pungent tastes, heavy, sweet or oily foods, as well as over-use of cosmetics, perfumes, synthetic creams, etc.

If you have any query regarding Eczema and Dermatitis Health Package.
You may write us or contact us at –
Mobile: +91-98033-56060, 98030-39369, 0181-2464111
Email : ,

Ayur-Sudha Ayurveda Centre provides the Best Ayurvedic Skin Treatment in India. Our Ayurvedic clinic is well known for the treatment of Skin Diseases. Our Ayurvedic Medicines are well researched and after many clinical trials we give to our patients.

Eczema Best Ayurvedic Treatment in Punjab, India.

Dermatitis Best Ayurvedic Treatment in India.

Ayur-Sudha Ayurveda Centre provides the Best Ayurvedic Skin Treatment in India. Our Ayurvedic Medicines are well researched and after many clinical trials we give to our patients. Patients from Different countries, England , United kingdom, London , Wolverhampton, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Cambridge, York, New Castle, Oxford, bath, Nottingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Coventry, Norwich, Leicester, Southampton, Chester, Derby, Peterborough, Edinburg, Glasgow, Bradford, visit our ayurvedic clinic for Skin Diseases treatment.

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