Acne Treatment and Symptoms
Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog the skin’s pores. It affects areas containing the largest oil glands, including the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin, back, and trunk. While it tends to last longer in females, males are more likely to get acne and tend to have more severe cases than do females. Some infants may develop acne, but it is most common in adolescents and it generally disappears by age 30.
Symptoms :
1. Comedones – Enlarged, plugged hair follicles. If the comedone is under the skin, it’s a whitehead. If it breaks the surface of the skin, it’s a blackhead.
2. Whitehead – Whiteheads are clogged hair follicles that contain oil (sebum) and look white.
3. Blackhead – Blackheads are clogged hair follicles that contain both oil (sebum) and tightly packed skin cells. Although blackheads look black, they do not contain dirt.
4. Pimples – Inflamed pus-filled lesions that are red at the base. Pimples look red and often are raised above the level of the skin.
5. Cystic acne – One of the most severe forms of acne, cystic acne occurs when the infected contents of a pustule or pimple erupts beneath the skin, rather than on the surface.
Acne Prevention. Some do’s and don’ts
1. Wash your face (or other affected skin) gently once or twice a day.
2. Do not squeeze pimples, which often leads to infections, worse acne, and scars.
3. Use special skin care products that are water-based that gently clean your skin. Avoid products such as milky cleansers, cold creams, lipsticks, and lip gloss that contain oils.
4. Use nonprescription medicated creams, soaps, lotions, and gels to treat your acne. Always read the label carefully to make sure you are using them correctly.
5. Supplement your diet with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, and fruit juice.
6. Night routine for acne: Remove your make-up with a liquid make-up remover. Wash with soap and water and then apply an anti-pimple/acne cream.
Back Acne : Like other forms of acne, the exact cause isn’t really known but it is thought heat and friction play a major role in its development. Also, perspiration and tight-fitting clothing are two of the most common culprits, which explains why many physically active people are plagued by back acne.
Back Acne Tips
1. Wear cotton clothing and use powder to keep your back dry.
2. Since bacteria can exacerbate the condition, always wear clean clothes, bras and T-shirts when working out and put a clean towel down before lying on exercise machines or mats at the gym.
3. You should probably change your shirt twice a day whether you exercise or not to avoid bacteria buildup that can further aggravate your acne.
4. If you are using an acne treatment cleanser only use it on the affected areas otherwise you’ll end up drying out your skin that isn’t sporting acne. Benzoyl peroxide bleaches fabric. Keep this in mind if using The Regimen on the back. You will need to wear white.
5. When washing your back use a loofah, sponge or exfoliant to help remove any dead skin cells that may clog up pores. Use a gentle action and don’t be too harsh otherwise you will end up breaking the skin.
Advice for Acne treatment : Drink lots of water. Drinking water will prevent most of your skin problems. For a simple calculation divide your body weight in half and drink at the least that many ounces of water a day. Exercise regularly. Some form of aerobic exercise will bring oxygen to your cells and give you a healthy skin.
You shouldn’t squeeze pimples or whiteheads. A pimple is an inflammation, and you could add to the inflammation by squeezing it. Although most pimples are best left alone, there is one kind that you can squeeze to help get rid of it. Squeeze the ones with a little central yellow pus head in it. Gentle squeezing usually pops these open very nicely. Once the pus is out, the pimple will heal more quickly.