Vamana is a medicated emesis therapy, which removes Kapha toxins collected in the body and the respiratory tract. This is given to people with high Kapha imbalance. Daily treatment involves loosening and mobilizing the toxins in an effort to finally eliminate them. Vamana is the procedure to eliminate the waste product (vitiated dosha) through the upper gastro-intestinal track. It is the cleansing procedure, which expels doshas, particularly the augmented kapha. By this treatment, vitiated kapha dosha is totally eliminated from its roots (stomach) through the mouth. Since vamana is a emesis therapy through which internal oral medicines are administered to induce vomiting. This process of purification is done from the roots, i.e. total removal of vitiated dosha, so chances of reoccurrence of the disease become remote.

This treatment is used when there is congestion in the lungs causing repeated attacks of bronchitis, cough, cold or asthma. The objective of the therapy is to induce vomiting to get rid of the mucus causing excess kapha. On the morning of the vamana., kapha aggravating foods such as basmati rice and yogurt with salt is given to further aggravate the kapha. The application of the heat to the chest and back will help liquefy kapha. A drink consisting of madanaphalam, licorice and honey, or calamus root tea is given to the patient. (Other substances used include salt, and cardamom) Vomiting will either occur spontaneously or is induced by rubbing on the tongue. Four to eight times vomiting is required. After vomiting the patient will feel very comfortable; most of the congestion, wheezing and breathlessness will disappear along with the clearing of the sinus.

Therapeutic vomiting is used for cough, cold, symptoms of asthma, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, anemia, poisoning, skin diseases, diabetes, lymphatic obstruction, chronic indigestion, edema (swelling), epilepsy (between attacks), chronic sinus problems and for repeated attacks of tonsillitis. Vamana Karma may be followed with internal administration of Ghee treatment (Achchapeya) and a steam bath

It is a process of therapeutic vomiting that helps in the elimination of toxic and waste matters from the stomach and thoracic cavity This is really effective for nasal disorders, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, diabetes, poor digestion, anorexia, dyspepsia, inflammation of lymph glands, epilepsy, insanity, edema, obesity, heart diseases and pangeutis.

It is performed to subdue augmented Kapha Dosha. Since kapha resides in the upper part of the body, its elimination by the nearest route is an acceptable and desirable, given that if any dosha is eliminated from its chief site the chances of recurrence are very low. Honey and rock salt are the common vehicles to administer the puking Giving decoction of medicinal herbs for ingestion in large amounts induces emesis.

For Emesis :
For this purpose, either liquorice decoction or decoction of emetic nut (Madanphal kwath) is used. Sometimes warm salt water is also used to induce emesis. Before Vaman is given, there are three procedures which are to be employed, namely Paachan (Digestion), Snehan (Oleation therapy) and Swedan (diaphoresis).

Felling After Vaman :
Proper therapy brings about a feeling of cleanliness of the chest and stomach, lightness of the body and ensures timely passing of urine and stool. But care must be taken to avoid over-administration as it could result in unconsciousness, blood vomiting, sudden drop of blood pressure and chest pain. While any under-administration would result in not achieving the desired effect.

Before Vaman :
Before administered vaman , oil massage and fomentation are recommended on the night before the day of vaman. One to three days prior to vaman, the person should drink one cup of recommended oil two to three times a day until the stool becomes oily, or until he or she feels nauseated. The person should also eat a kaphagenic diet to aggravate kapha in the system. Vaman should be given early in the morning (kapha time). The person should eat basmati rice and yogurt with much salt early in the morning, which will further aggravate kapha in the stomach. The application of heat to the chest and back will liquify the kapha.

After Vaman :
The person should sit calmly on a knee-high chair and drink the concoction of licorice and honey, or salt water. This emesis preparation is measured and recorded before being drunk, so that at a later time the amount of vomitus from the decoction can be determined. After drinking the decoction the person should feel nauseated. He should then rub the tongue to induce vomiting, continuing until bile comes out in the vomitus. The degree of success in this treatment is determined by: 1) the number of vomitings (8 is maximum, 6 medium, 4 minimum), and 2) the quantity of vomitus (1 quart maximum, 1 1/2 pints medium, 1 pint minimum).

Emetic Substances :
madan-emetic nut, madhuka-yastimadhu-licorice, neem-bitter leaf, bimbi, kutaj-kurchi- conessi bark, murva-clematis, triloba-devdaru-deodar, Cedrus deodara, Salt, NaCl, ela-cardamom, nux vomica.

After vaman, resting, fasting, smoking certain herbal cigarettes, and not suppressing natural urges (i.e. urination, defecation, gas, sneezing, coughing) is recommended. If vaman is administered properly, the person should feel relaxation in the lungs, will be able to breathe freely, will have lightness in the chest, clear thinking, clear voice, a good appetite, and all symptoms of congestion disappear.

After practicing vaman in the morning, the person should fast until 5 pm, then eat kitchari with ghee. He or she can drink cumin, coriander, ginger, fennel tea (equal portions). Steep in hot water and drink with one tsp. honey. Or he can drink honey lime tea, using one tsp. honey and one tsp. lime juice to one cup of hot water.

Induced emesis should be employed if the person is suffering from diseases like coryza, asthma, cough and other respiratory diseases; hyperacidity, indigestion, dysentery, diarrhoea and other digestive disorders; psychosomatic illnesses, anemia, filariasis, dermatoses and acute poisoning.

Obese and malnourished persons, pregnant women, persons with heart complaints, earache, eye diseases; persons who are treated with induced enema; persons having gastric or duodenal ulcer and persons having hepatic diseases are not given induced emesis.

Completion of the preparatory procedures is mandatory before employment of induced emesis.

A general examination is carried out to rule out cardiac diseases. And high or low blood pressure.

Vaman is given in the morning, to eliminate diseased Kapha as much as possible. For this, decoction of emetic nut or liquorice is given depending upon patient’s constitution or state of his disease. The main signs are nausea; excessive salivation and excessive perspiration.

During the process of emesis; temperature, pulse and respiration chart is maintained. An assistant is present with the patient to take care of any probable complications.

Signs and symptoms of proper emesis
Exhaustion is an apparent sign, and vitiated Doshas are eliminated in a proper sequence i.e. mucus, bile and gases. The bouts of emesis subside naturally, after the proper elimination of the toxins.

Complications of improper Emesis therapy
When emesis is incomplete, one may not get the required bouts of vomiting to eliminate toxins or does not get emesis. However, when done in excess, it could cause severe hyperacidity, which could lead to bleeding from throat; severe pain in stomach, giddiness, and gaseous distention.

Post Emesis procedures (Procedures to be done after emesis)
After a properly given emesis therapy, patient is asked to inhale the smoke of medicinal cigarettes. For diet, Sansarjan Krama is followed. Also, overeating and consumption of fried, and spicy food should be avoided